Jesse van Doren Get in touch
Who is Jesse van Doren?

Jesse van Doren is a frequently asked technology & innovation expert. He founded tech communities in 20 different countries and was listed as most promising young entrepreneur of the year. He's regularly seen on television at BNN/ Vara, AVRO/ TROS and RTL News.

What is Brize?

Jesse started his first business at the age of 11. Nowadays, his companies have worked for more than 350 organisations on the highest level. You can book his team as an independently trusted advisor in the field of technology and innovation. Always strong in data-driven marketing, design, creative campaigns and voice applications.

Who is Jesse van Doren? What is Brize?

Forget the often hierarchical structure of linear problem solving. Ideation becomes a messy space where everything is possible and where there are no bad ideas.

Who is Jesse van Doren?

Jesse van Doren is a frequently asked technology & innovation expert. He founded tech communities in 20 different countries and was listed as most promising young entrepreneur of the year. He's regularly seen on television at BNN/ Vara, AVRO/ TROS and RTL News.

What is Brize?

Jesse started his first business at the age of 11. Nowadays, his companies have worked for more than 350 organisations on the highest level. You can book his team as an independently trusted advisor in the field of technology and innovation. Always strong in data-driven marketing, design, creative campaigns and voice applications.

At Brize - Jesse van Doren’s full service agency, ideation allows for different voices to compete, percolate and evolve, creating and shaping the most suitable solution for each particular business. In order to be innovative in a developing business, creativity and the process of ideation are considered to be the initial steps to take.

What is the Ideation phase?
The Design Thinking Process is a method used in ideation and development described as a human-centered, interactive design process consisting of five steps or stages, with ideation being the third step.

Ideation consists on the creative process of generating, developing and communicating new ideas. In order for the ideation process to result successful, we should start by looking at the problem that needs to be solved. Together, we will define the problem and understand the context, creating clear definitions and making wise choices, using our experience and newest technologies to create together with you an outstanding strategy.

Infographic: The Design Thinking Process, Source: What is Design Thinking?

Ideation methods:
1. Problem solution: The most simple method of progress. In this case, someone encounters a problem and as a result, solves it.

2. Derivative idea: This method involves taking something that already exists and changing/altering it.

3. Symbiotic idea: This occurs when multiple ideas are combined, using different elements of each to make a whole.

4. Revolutionary idea: This breaks away from traditional thought and creates a brand new perspective.

5. Serendipitous discovery: These are ideas that have been coincidentally developed without the intention of the inventor.

6. Targeted innovation: This deals with a direct path of discovery, often accompanied by intensive research in order to have a distinct and almost expected resolution.

7. Artistic innovation: It disregards the necessity for practicality and holds no constraints.

8. Philosophical idea: It lives in the mind of the creator and can never be proven, nonetheless, it can still have vast residual effects.

9. Computer-assisted discovery: This uses a computer in order to widen possibilities of research and numeric possibilities.

Ideation requires purposefully adopting certain characteristics, and Brize helps you acquire and implement them throughout the entire process. This kind of thinking can be considered as a particular disease of advocates of “brainstorming”, who often treat their approach as some sort of ultimate business liberator. At Brize, the ideation process’ goal is not generating lots of ideas but rather coming up with the Big Idea.

At Brize, we don’t brainstorm innovations; we construct them
The ideation process implemented at Brize is personalized in order to meet your company’s goals. This is done by clearly pinpointing your customers’ needs, and which are unmet, in advance of the ideation process.

At Brize, we devote time and energy into coming up with ideas and deciding which ones to run with. We help businesses avoid the so called “ideation blindness” phenomenon; a condition in which clients think that their idea is automatically great because they came up with it, and therefore worth running with it without further brainstorming and information-gathering.

Why ideate with Brize?
In order to transition from identifying problems to creating solutions for your users, ideation is required. With my help and that of my team, we can help you combine the understanding you have of the problem space and people you want to target with your imagination to generate solution concepts. This phase consists on pushing for a widest possible range of ideas from which you can select the best solution.

At Brize we help you:
1. Step beyond obvious solutions and thus increase the innovation potential of your solution set.

2. Harness the collective perspectives and strengths of your teams.

3. Uncover unexpected areas of exploration.

4. Create fluency (volume) and flexibility (variety) in your innovation options.

5. Get obvious solutions out of your heads, and drive your team beyond them.

Through our Ideation Process, you can go from creativity to innovation. Please feel free to contact me or my team at Brize by filling in the form bellow. Do not hesitate to bring any queries or ideas you may have.

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